How Exercise Can Change Your Face

Recently, one of my friends mentioned that she had started working out and wanted to know the top 5 ways exercise can change your face. Lucky for her she hasn’t had to do much to maintain her good figure. Her interest in fitness is mainly for health purposes (again, I say lucky!). She noticed her face was fuller and wondered if it was a result of her new exercise routine. I decided to dig into the topic to find out.

exercise can change your fac e

When you exercise your body goes through several changes. Exercise, along with good nutrition and adequate hydration, can help to improve facial fullness and complexion, giving you a healthier, more youthful look.

However, many people still don’t realize that exercise can change your face and the way it looks, for a number of different reasons.

Top 5 Ways Exercise Can Change Your Face

  1. Redistribution of fat: Regular exercise can help to move fat deposits within your body. This can make the face appear more toned and full.

  2. Decreased inflammation: When you move more, the body produces chemicals that lower inflammation, one reason why you look and feel healthier when exercising regularly.  This also allows for a less blotchy, more even skin tone.

  3. Improved cardiovascular function: Your heart and blood vessels help to deliver oxygen and remove toxins from your skin cells. Improved nutrient delivery can give you brighter, more radiant skin.

  4. Better nutrition: Exercising increases your metabolism. This causes you to crave healthier foods. When your body is working harder, it starts to demand more fuel and nutrients. With increased activity, you may find yourself eating more varieties of vegetables and proteins.

  5. Hormonal changes: Physical fitness can cause long-term changes by regulating hormone levels. Exercise decreases the production of cortisol, a stress hormone responsible for a number of detrimental effects. Lowered cortisol levels can help decrease wrinkles and sagging, allowing your skin to naturally appear firmer and tighter. This is because elevated cortisol levels can speed up the breakdown of collagen while exercise can boost collagen production.

Downsides to Working Out

How exercise can change your face? Have you heard of “gym face”? It’s a loss of volume in the face as a result of intense exercise. To get a better understanding, imagine running on a paved street. Consider the weight and impact each time your foot hits the concrete. It’s quite jarring on your entire body and you can literally feel your skin being jolted with each step. Repeated jarring over and over is bound to cause loss of collagen and elastin over time, making you look prematurely aged.

There are some ways to continue running and lessen the effects. Disclaimer: I’m not a fitness expert! However, I can imagine that when possible running on a treadmill or dirt path would allow for more shock absorption. Making sure that you choose running shoes with high-quality shock absorbents would be key. Additionally, try integrating various types of exercise into your routine like strength training, yoga, dance and Pilates to round out your program.

Facial Exercises for Anti-aging

In a previous post titled Can Facial Cupping Benefit Your Skin? I wrote about small suction cups that may improve the tone and elasticity of your skin. Manipulating your skin with these cups can stimulate and excite the cells. Furthermore, there are tons of videos on facial yoga and one exercise I found on Facerobics.

As with most things, moderation is key with these facial exercises. There isn’t real proof that these movements work. I guess we’ll all have to get together when we’re 80 and see which technique worked the best!

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Shelley Skin Care
Your Guide to Good Skin


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