Can Mangoes Help with Acne, Wrinkles and Collagen

Can eating mangoes help with acne, wrinkles and collagen production? Yes! It works like this: UV radiation damages skin by triggering the breakdown of dermal collagen and fibrillin (fiber in the skin that holds everything together – connective tissue). Clinical signs of photo-aging include fine lines and deep wrinkles, hyperpigmentation (sun spots), roughness, spider veins, and sallowness. Vitamin A prevents this UV damage by promoting cell proliferation (cell growth and turnover) and collagen synthesis. For those with acne-prone or oily skin, Vitamin A can help improve the complexion by increasing cell turnover, suppressing sebum (oil) production, and regulating inflammation.

Vitamin A is used to describe a family of fat-soluble compounds that are collectively known as retinoids. These potent compounds affect the health of your skin at the cellular level by binding to a receptor in the dermis and epidermis. When applied topically, Vitamin A can be used to improve skin texture, reverse the signs of photo-aging, reduce acne and improve healing.  

Retin-A vs Vitamin A

Vitamin A is useful both internally and externally; you can get it through food*, capsules, drops or skin care products. You may have heard of Retin-A (Tretinoin) cream. It is a topical form of Vitamin A, which helps skin cells to renew (exfoliate) themselves at an accelerated rate. Long-term use is needed to maintain these Vitamin A-induced improvements. Your dermatologist can write you a prescription for Retin-A, which insurance may pay for. However, your Esthetician has cosmeceutical-grade Vitamin A.

The difference between these two approaches is that the medication version (Tretinoin aka retinoic acid) is more likely to cause unwanted side effects, such as redness, peeling and issues with eyebrow waxing. The Esthetician version of retinol and retinaldehyde can produce the desired anti-acne and anti-aging benefits. However, these compounds will go through a different activation process on your skin, alleviating the negative side effects. Since Vitamin A only lasts 24 hours on your skin and within your body, you will want to nourish yourself inside and out every day. This blogger talks about healthy eating habits and superfoods.

How Vitamin A Affects Your Vision

Light goes into your retina, and Vitamin A and other chemicals turn it into color vision. Without Vitamin A we would not be able to see well. Optical conditions resulting from Vitamin A deficiency include night blindness and dry eyes.

Fact: Vitamin A is called retinoic acid because it’s found in your retina.

Note: Seek medical advice if you are pregnant or lactating as the use of Vitamin A is not advised.

*Food sources: Dark leafy greens, carrots, mangoes, sweet potatoes, winter squashes, lettuce, dried apricots, cantaloupe, bell peppers, fish and liver

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Shelley Skin Care
Your Guide to Good Skin


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